In this blog we show some of the work we have done throughout our career. We present those that we believe are more original and varied. Many of these works come from the restlessness of our clients, to carry out their management. Some of them are more generic, of which we have made several versions. […]
Continue readingHours performed and target hours
This is a spreadsheet book, oriented to compare the hours worked against the hours proposed as a target. If the worker exceeds the target hours, he/she can be paid overtime, if not, only the hours worked. It is a book for hourly jobs, which includes leave control, incidents, holidays and annual calendar with public holidays. […]
Continue readingManagement of weekly working hours
It is a spreadsheet book, oriented to schedule the tasks of the workers, dividing them into different work groups and with the support of different vehicles. The spreadsheets distinguish by colours, the teams that are formed according to the vehicles. The name of the client, the number of workers in each team and the number […]
Continue readingExcel template to make invoices
Taking advantage of one of the templates that Excel itself has, we created a template for making invoices. Our added value is that there are two sheets, one to make the invoice and another to put the list of items that can be invoiced. So there are formulas that interlace the data between both sheets. […]
Continue readingInvoicing management for Occupational Risk Prevention companies (ORP)
We carry out the invoicing management as an extension of an application initiated by us and detailed in the section “Management for Occupational Risk Prevention Contracts” and also, in the section “Documentary management for Occupational Risk Prevention Contracts”. Invoicing management was developed to invoice prevention contracts as automatically as possible. As we already have the […]
Continue readingCash Journal Management
Management of the cash journal or daily management of cash amounts, for a retailer. Made with an Excel book, it is composed of fifteen related sheets, with: Annual Calendar Sheet. Twelve sheets, one for each month of the year. Consolidation sheet, with the totals for each month, to calculate the annual. Concept sheet, for the […]
Continue readingBicycle parking management, repair shop, lockers and showers
A company located in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), asked us for a custom application, to manage a bicycle parking. The application should also include the offer of shower service and locker rental. In addition, as extra services, it offers towels, soap to the customers and repairs or maintenance of the bicycles. It also has vending […]
Continue readingManagement of futon covers production
Management of futon covers production, made in an Excel book that allows to take a complete control of the production, stock and sale. To carry out this management, the following stages have been taken into account: Entry of cloths, in rolls of several linear meters. Making the covers process, from the previous cloths. Sale of […]
Continue readingExcel template to Overdue Premiums control
In a company whose clients pay fees for various periods, there are delays in the collection of these fees. To control the overdue premiums, a bespoke sheet was created, which is prepared to work with the overdue contributions, up to five years. The goal is to calculate the average amount for the last ten weeks, […]
Continue readingProduction management of metallic constructions
Production management of metallic constructions made with an Excel book. It is a management, to carry out the entrance of the orders of the clients, and to shell those orders, in the necessary technical specifications to produce them. Also they are managed, the entrances of raw material, the state of the stock and statistics of […]
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