Cash Journal Management

Management of the cash journal or daily management of cash amounts, for a retailer. Made with an Excel book, it is composed of fifteen related sheets, with:

  • Annual Calendar Sheet.
  • Twelve sheets, one for each month of the year.
  • Consolidation sheet, with the totals for each month, to calculate the annual.
  • Concept sheet, for the combined or drop-down fields.

Here are some of the features:

Annual Calendar:

The annual calendar is created on this sheet. The user only has to enter the year in which the journal is to be recorded. The formulas entered, calculate all the dates, to know in which day of the week they fall. Also to know the number of the week.

Diario Caja Calendario

Monthly sheets:

Each month of the year, it is set on a different sheet. On each sheet, we find a table for each day, as many as the total number of days in each month. The corresponding dates are calculated in the initial sheet, of the Annual Calendar. Each table has as many lines as expected cash movements. The cash movements are established by concepts or categories. We add a field to write a description and after, a field to add the amount in debit or credit, and we calculate the Balance. Finally we add the accumulated one. At the end of each table, we find the Daily Total and the Accumulated. The monthly total can be found on the Annual Consolidation sheet.

Diario Caja Hoja Mensual

Annual Consolidation Sheet:

It is a monthly summary sheet, with the amounts broken down into debit, credit, balance and cumulative. At the end of this table, we find the Annual Total.

Diario Caja Anual

Auxiliary Sheet:

It contains the list of Concepts or Categories, used in each point or box movement. The list of concepts can be edited (increased or changed).

Diario Caja Conceptos

Application made with Excel. To use this application you need to have the MS Excel program. The application is made in Spanish language. It can be translated and adapted. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.