This application manages the data of companies and their contacts that have relation with the commercial activity that develops the Real estate agency, to make the shipment of customized letters, when events are made or they want to send commercial information.
The structure and design of the data was personalized according to the client’s needs.
The letters are sent through the Word program, structuring the presentation by means of a template and programming the link from Access. The user only has to set the filters in the program and execute the combination to obtain the personalized letters.
We show some details of the application:
In the form with the company file we can establish up to three categories, to filter them later. Note that there is another tab where the list of their contacts is displayed:
If we open the card of a contact, we will obtain another form, in which also up to three categories can be established, for the later filters:
A company search engine is also available:
And another for the Contacts:
In fact, when we want to send letters, they are addressed to contacts, whether they are individuals or occupy a certain position within a company. Therefore, the contact search engine is where the filters for sending personalized letters are established, or for printing labels or a simple list. In addition, in the search engine, apart from the filters that allow us to limit the list of contacts, at the end, there is a field to mark certain contacts, to whom finally the letters will be sent:
Apart from the possibilities offered by the search engines for companies and contacts, there is a section of listings that allow you to obtain statistics on companies and contacts, combining the conjunction “AND” or “OR” for the categories that may exist between them:
Finally, the program has a section of auxiliary files, in which the way to greet contacts, the treatment given to them, the categories, activities and positions they may have in a company are established. It also establishes the postal codes, towns and provinces, plus the different models of letter that you want to use, even if they are only for one time:
Application made with Access. To use this application you need MS Access and MS Word. The application is made in Spanish language. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.