This is an application that was made for a stable whose horses participate in dressage competitions and its owner is the main rider. It allows to detail the data of each horse and the general data of the stable. The application is prepared to keep track of the horses participating in equestrian competitions and their results, as well as the prizes obtained. It also incorporates an accounting module for each horse and agglutinates the expenses of each one, incorporating them to the general expenses of the stable. This application can also be oriented to the management of equines.
The following are the application modules:
- Control by horse:
- Details of each horse, including its family tree.
- Keeps track of the ironworks.
- You can plan your daily diet and vitamins.
- Allows you to detail your performance in the contests it participate in.
- Disease history and veterinary control.
- Assigns daily training jobs (personalized training agenda).
- Accounting book for each horse (maintenance costs).
- Data for the stable on:
- Owners of horses.
- Employees of the stables.
- Veterinary.
- Blacksmiths.
- Suppliers.
- Transport companies.
- Students.
- Data for Equestrian Awards:
- Equestrian clubs fact sheet.
- Information about the prizes (dates, club that organizes the prize, place, etc.).
- General data:
- Hotel file, for the movement of riders during competitions.
- Global agenda of the block, to note incidences or to foresee actions for a concrete day.
- Weekly list of jobs (daily training) for all horses, detaliling every horse, by screen.
- Expenses and Income of the whole stable, where also appear those that have been introduced by horse.
- Auxiliar files (masters):
- About horses:
- Food.
- Layers.
- Ironworks.
- Breeds.
- about medical topics:
- Medicines.
- Vaccines.
- Desparasitations.
- Vitamins.
- About other topics:
- Items for sale.
- Postal Codes, Populations and Provinces.
- Tests carried out in competitions.
- Tasks (training) for horses.
- Prints:
- All the management that is seen by screen is printed, as much on the data of the different cards, as lists of management.
- The section of expenses and income, it allows to print all the notes of global form and grouped, filtering by horse and/or between dates, by concept, product, owner, etc.
Application made with Visual Basic and Access database. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program. The application is made in Spanish, but can be translated into other languages and customized. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.