This application was made to measure for a client who manages the artistic production of several persons. The program includes sections for customers and suppliers. The clients are the artists and the suppliers are dubbing studios, theatres, film and television production companies, etc. The purpose of the program is to keep the agenda of the artists and track their work and invoices.
The programme is explained in more detail below:
The main management allows the management of customers, suppliers, invoices, the agenda and the management of collections (as a simple accounting) and the corresponding follow-up lists:
In the management of the clients, we group in four tabs, their data of affiliation, their agenda, their invoicing and their accounting (supplier management repeats the same tabs):
Invoice management allows you to create an invoice, modify it, delete it, make its final issue, and search for invoices by suppliers or customers:
Agenda management includes data on invoices, amounts, related suppliers and the corresponding comments. It also allows you to view the status of accounts, by customer or by supplier:
The application also includes a section of auxiliary files that complement the application:
Application made with Access. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program. The application is made in Spanish language, but it can be translated into another languages and customized. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.