Management for Occupational Risk Prevention Contracts (ORP)

For a company dedicated to the occupational risk management of its clients, we created a customised application that allows the administrative processing of contracts.

The program has a main part, to manage the data of the clients, their contacts, the addresses that they have (central offices, delegations, warehouses, factories, etc.), data of invoicing, Contracts, Disciplines, Modalities, etc.

It also has an auxiliary part that complements the main management, to identify the different activities of the clients, NACE, preventive modalities, invoicing periods, payment methods, contributors, contact positions, rates, etc.

There is also a section for reports and data export, to obtain lists of clients, in order to present the administration of each autonomous community with the companies that have entered into a contract, to obtain lists according to the CNAE, to know the active clients or those that have left, economic lists for global control and by delegations, of invoicing and planned portfolio, etc. Data export is used to update invoicing, accounting and medical prevention programmes.

The application is explained in more detail below:

Customer data entry involves three main sections, which are subdivided into others. Initially, the data of the main company or mother company is entered, if it has several branches or work centres and the total number of workers covered, among other data:

Gestion PRL Entrada Datos

There is a client search engine, to speed up your search, by different criteria, such as your VAT number, name, contract number, etc.:

Gestion PRL Buscador

The search engine also has a filter, so that the search can be limited, with more criteria, by active clients, by town, disciplines, modalities, NACE, contributor, technician, etc.:

Gestion PRL Filtro

The program displays a list on the screen, with the result of the search, from which you can enter the customer’s file. As mentioned in the introduction, a customer’s file is divided into several sections. After the initial data of the company, we find the data corresponding to each delegation or centre. In this section, the programme groups together all the centres or delegations corresponding to the same company, in order to group together everything that corresponds to the same contract and the staff covered in each work centre:

Gestion PRL Delegaciones Centros

Apart from the data corresponding to each centre, the application allows you to enter the details of the contacts corresponding to each centre and the invoicing data. Initially, it may be that only the head company is invoiced, grouping all its centres, but the program allows you to save invoicing data for each centre, so that it is possible to invoice each centre separately:

Gestion PRL Datos Facturacion

In the contracts section, apart from the number of contracts and their duration, the disciplines that each client contracts are recorded, with the modality for each discipline and the number of workers included in that discipline. The quotas are also specified for technical specialities and health surveillance, indicating the number of workers and other values that may vary the final quota.

Another aspect to take into account in this section is the monitoring of contracts, that is, there is a second part that we can see at the end of the image, which shows the list of contract renewals, made by the client, so that the data from a previous contract can be recovered:

Gestion PRL Contratos

In the section of auxiliary or master files, we find the list of activities that can be carried out by the clients, the contributors that are collaborating companies (with their data and the list of their clients), the postal codes, towns, provinces and autonomous communities, the delegations or own offices (with their data and list of their clients), the employees with their file and the configuration of access to the application, etc. As an example, we show the employees’ file and the configuration of access to the application:

Gestion PRL Empleados

Application made with Visual.Net and SQL database. To use this application it is necessary to have the SQL Express database (minimum). The application is made in Spanish language. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.