Management of Medical Statistics in Traumatology

It is a program that collects minimum data on the affiliation of patients, but also collects the multiple diagnoses and treatments that the patient may have. Then statistics are made, on the diagnoses registered and the treatments applied. Next we explain more detail:

Patients management:

  • File with the data of the patient’s affiliation, detailing the treating doctor, his multiple diagnoses and multiple treatments.
  • Patient finder, so as not to repeat a file.

Statistics management:

  • Patients according to number of diagnoses (up to 3) and established diagnoses.
  • Patients according to doctor treating them.
  • Patients according to number of treatments (up to 3) and treatment applied.
  • Patients by multiple concepts (doctor, diagnosis and treatment).
  • Export data to Excel.

Auxiliary files (masters):

  • Diagnoses.
  • Doctors.
  • Treatments.

Application made with Access. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program. The application is made in Catalan language, but it can be translated into another languages and customized. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.