Simple application for the monitoring of teaching hours carried out by teachers in a training centre. The management program allows you to know the courses taught by a teacher, which teacher performs a particular course, the monitoring in hours of each course and make a list by teacher, of the courses taught.
This is explained in more detail below:
The application starts by showing the courses that each teacher takes. A password is required for access:
Then we can find a record for each course, in which the teacher who will teach it is selected:
Next we show the Follow-up of the course, where we present two subforms:
- The first one records, day by day, the hours dedicated, specifying the subject, a type of course, and a brief comment.
- The second allows you to write a broader comment on how the class has gone.
Finally, there is a listings section, to obtain a list of the courses that each teacher does:
Application made with Access. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program. The application is made in Catalan language. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.