Program created to keep track of vehicles that are given to journalists or that are used for events, fairs or exhibitions. These are new vehicles that have recently come onto the market and the aim is for journalists to take a test, write an article and take photographs for readers of their publications. In this way more publicity is done and the reputation obtained can be evaluated.
The program allows the management of vehicles of various manufacturers, brands, models and engines, with an agenda or calendar for each vehicle, reservation management and authorizations. There is a control of the fleet of vehicles and their location. In addition, the program allows you to record all the expenses generated by the movements of each vehicle, in order to invoice the management of the fleet. In addition, the publications in which the vehicle appears are recorded to manage the reputation of the vehicle.
On the other hand, it also collects all the data of media, journalists and their publications.
Finally statistics are obtained by: media, journalist, publications and by vehicle, manufacturer, brand, model, engine, etc.
This application is for companies that manage vehicles from different manufacturers and also for the vehicle manufacturers themselves. Two versions with Visual.Net have been made from the program. One with Access database and another with SQL. It is ready to work in a network and with different users.
Below we detail the application a little more:
For the planning of the transfers of each vehicle, with delivery and return dates, specification of the vehicle being reserved, the media and the journalist. Also to detail the type of authorization, plus a few notes. Reservations are indicated in the agenda of the vehicle, and it is verified that on those dates it is available.
It is the card that establishes the transfer of the vehicle. The type of authorization is established, the vehicle is determined, and the delivery and return dates, plus the final date of return (if different from the one foreseen). The media and the journalist are also confirmed. In addition, the initial Km, the initial location, and the department in charge of the transfer of the vehicle are fixed. On the other hand, the authorization can be annulled.
When the authorization is confirmed, it is indicated in the the agenda of the vehicle. If it was previously a reservation, the change from reservation to authorized (change of color) is indicated.
It also introduces publications in which the journalist mentions the tests carried out. But this information is introduced at the end of the whole process, when the journalist publishes the test carried out. In this way the follow-up for the reputation is done.
It shows an agenda for each vehicle, representing a graph of occupancy in days. The authorizations and reservations are marked, in different colors. The different types of movements are also indicated according to color. When marking on one of the coloured stripes, the programme shows the detail of the marked period.
It is the list of all vehicles, with details of their location (delivery dates, expected and actual return, Km. upon delivery and reception, initial and final Location, Concept, Journalist, etc.).
Movements of vehicles to be invoiced:
Detail of all movements of each vehicle (delivery, return, concept, journalist). Detailed costs: for travel, cleaning, fuel, etc.).
Invoicing process of the movements of each vehicle, grouped by owner and by actions or dates. The invoice specifies the vehicles, media, journalists, etc.
Owners: Affiliation data (address, telephone numbers, VAT number, emails, etc.), data on the payment method, your contact list, your list of vehicles and their brands.
Contacts of the Owners: Data about the contact persons in each owner company, with their position, phones, emails, etc.
Media: Affiliation data (name, address, telephone number, VAT number, emails, etc.), Information about the publication (periodicity, date of issue, publication run, color or B&W, etc.). Within the file are the journalists who work in that medium and the list of vehicles tested.
Journalists: Affiliation data (address, telephone numbers, VAT number, email, web, etc.), List of media you work for, position, department, data from your driving license, etc. Within each file, the list of fines you may have had is introduced and shown.
Vehicles: Basic data (number plate, date of registration, type of vehicle, km of entry, km for servicing, frame number, etc.), Data of the owner and department to which it may be assigned, Brand, Model, Colour, Insurance company, policy, insurance expiry date, etc. Within the file of each vehicle, the relation of movements that has had.
Control Lists: by Media, by Journalist, by Brand and Model, by License plate, vehicles for review, situation and location, fines per journalist, etc.
Auxiliar files (masters): Positions, Zip codes, Colors, Departments, Payment Methods, Phrases type, Locations, Brands, Models, Authorizations Templates, Rates, Authorizations Types, Journalist Types, Vehicle Types, Expirations, etc.
Application made with Visual.Net, and Access or SQL database. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program (if you choose Access database) or SQL Express (minimum). The application is made in Spanish language. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.