Medical Resource Management (ERP) in Surgical Dermatology

Medical Resource Management Program (ERP), for a Medical Surgical Center with Laser Treatments. The application includes an agenda that seeks maximum availability by mixing the agenda of each resource and agreeing on coinciding times. Valid for consultations with multiple doctors, rooms or boxes, operating rooms, appliances, therapists, assistants, etc.. When a patient requires an hour with a combination of resources and does not know which is the first gap available. SMS’s can be sent to patients from the agenda to remind them of the time of visit. Medical management, image management (before and after treatment), administrative management (budgets, delivery notes, invoicing, liquidations, etc.), accounting management (analytical and general) are also carried out and the corresponding statistics are provided.

The application is explained in more detail below:

The application was made as if it were a web page, so that all users of the application can use it from any device connected to the Internet and therefore from anywhere.

The Agenda initially shows a control panel, with the list of patients of the day, to know the patients scheduled, those who are already in the waiting room, the visit that is in the consultation, and those who have completed their visit. It also displays alerts, which reflect reprogrammed patients, patients not presented and unavailability that day. It is also possible to print the planing of the day, by rooms or boxes, by doctors or by devices:

Also shows the availability of multiple resources:

Another image of the agenda, shows the detail of resource occupancy by resource, for one day:

The program can suggest dates, taking into account all the resources involved and the agenda of each resource, proposing the days and hours available:

It is also possible to reschedule and overwrite the agenda, of visits:

The medical management, reflected in the patient file, includes the possibility of entering the data of filiation, even if the patient is a minor, dependent on his parents. It then includes a section on clinical records linked to the patient. The chosen clinical record is shown as a current file, to which it is possible to plan sessions, view scheduled appointments, make estimates for the indicated treatment, prepare delivery notes as treatment progresses and payments are made, and keep a collection of images to verify the before and after treatment:

Obviously, there is also a patient finder, which includes patients without a record, since when giving time by phone, for new patients, they are taken only some basic data. Normally by telephone, the data are not taken correctly and it is better to take a basic data and then with the patient in person, make the definitive data entry:

For the accounting management, the program allows a general accounting and an analytical accounting. The analytical accounting exists, because in the tariffs, in the budgets and in the delivery notes the detailed costs have been specified:

They also carry out daily settlements or between dates, that is to say, the application allows an automatic process of generation of accounting entries for the settlement of cash and mutual flyers. In addition, when generating the entries, it also carries out the collection entries with the counter-entry number of the settlement. Finally, this section generates a list and an Excel file, with the details of the settlement:

In order to obtain lists of the actions carried out, we provide a filter engine, where we expose to the user a list of fields that can be used to create custom filters, a section of conditions, another classification (ascending / descending) and the possibility of saving the filter created to execute it on several occasions:

For the maintenance of the application, we have data for availability, fungibles, schedules, unavailability, lasers, people, roles of each user, preferences, references, rooms or boxes, rates and treatments:

In addition there are available auxiliary files (masters), among which we emphasize: centers of collection, centers of cost, state of the phase in the treatments, reasons unavailability, roles, types of delivery note, types of payment, types of resources, etc.:

Finally, the application shows a personal menu, so that each user can edit their access data to the application, schedules, unavailability, and can see the control panel corresponding to their visits (in the case of doctors, therapists, assistants, in short, for each resource):

Application made with Visual.Net and SQL. The application is made in Catalan language. It can be translated and adapted. Note: The data and some photographs inserted in the images are fictitious.