This program covers various facets for the management in commercial law for lawyers:
Affiliation data of a Company, Company Data (company type, data deed, registrars, economic and accounting data, types of actions, data on auditors, etc.), Data of administrators, National Partners, Foreign Partners, Contacts in that company, Fiscal models that the firm manages for this client, Registration of Entry Documents related to the management of the client, Registration of departure Documents, Impressions made (correspondence sent to the client).
Client search engine: By company name, by file, by registered documents of entry, by registered documents of departure, by data on deeds, by location of proceedings.
Contacts: Data about the contact persons in each Company (client): data of particular affiliation, data corresponding to the company (position, telephone numbers, emails) and type of information that must be received from the firm.
Data on Professionals: to have the data of other Lawyers, Attorneys, Notaries, Managers, Auditors and Opposites.
Proceedings Management: Data of a proceeding, Relationship with other proceedings, Work done, History, Documents generated with Word/Excel, Messages sent and received by email, Physical location.
- Proceedings finder.
- Entry/Departure Documents.
- Deeds control.
- Deeds finder.
- Old proceedings location.
Accounting Management:
- Rate and Supply Table.
- Table of Rates and Concepts.
- Client accounting.
- Buffet accounting.
Print management:
- Based on companies:
- By fiscal model managed
- By activity
- List of Companies by Model
- List of Companies by Activity
- List of all Companies
- List of Company Contacts
- Based on Contacts:
- By profession
- All Contacts
Management of e-Mails: List of incoming and outgoing e-mails with each proceeding.
Auxiliary files to complement the data (positions, types of companies, types of actions, types of documents, types of operations, locations, postal codes and cities, configuration of emails by user, etc.).
Application made with Access. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program. The application is made in Catalonian language, but it can be translated into another languages and customized. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.