Training courses

Themes, schedules and characteristics:

Courses of:

Computer Initiation
Word basic and advanced
Excel basic, advanced, macros and stats
Access basic and advanced
Power Point
Ms Project
Creation of a Blog
Magento, for users who prepare or maintain their website

Schedules and Dates:

Schedules to be arranged from Monday to Friday from 8 h. to 22 h.
Throughout the year.
Duration of the courses according to the needs of each client (from 2 hours minimum). We give classes of skipped subjects, if necessary and the client already has a base.


We organize classes for groups, and individuals (one to one).
One Laptop per student.
Personal treatment.
Classes led by a teacher (not self-training).
The course includes manual (in spanish).
We teach courses in our offices, and we also move to the company or home.