Application carried out for an official Service Suport Centre, of photographic cameras, with the idea of carrying out the complete management of the company. It includes the entrance to identify the machine to be repaired, the repair part, the management of the workshop, until its exit and delivery. It includes stock management, purchases of material from suppliers and import/export of data to an IBM AS/400 system and to the website, to publish the finished repairs.
Clients and/or user management:
- Clients search engine.
- Client file, with list of employees and position.
- Users search engine.
- User file, with list of employees and position.
Repair management:
- Reception/entry of articles:
- Initial data entry from the counter or data import.
- Differentiation between Client and user (as other level of clients).
- Brand and model of the item to be repaired.
- Explanation of the damage.
- Reparation history.
- Preparation of the repair part:
- Technician performing the repair.
- Repair in guarantee or at cost (application of rates).
- Pre-established sentences for the explanation of the repair.
- Spare parts applied to repair and prices.
- Dedicated time and hour price.
- Accessories included in the article.
- Repair notes.
- Repair search engine:
- By client.
- By client Cities and/or Province.
- By client repair number.
- By serial number.
- By Brand and/or Model.
- By category.
- By technician.
- By date Entry and/or Delivery.
- Searcher of outstanding repairs and without awarded technician.
- Repair search engine that allows the management to create the delivery notes.
- Delivery note by repair.
- Checker search engine for make invoice.
- Invoice of delivery notes, per client, grouping one or more delivery notes.
- Search engine for Reparations to Invoice (without delivery notes).
- Invoice others Products and/or Services.
- Invoice search engine.
- Import/Export data from/to IBM AS/400 computer.
- Export of repairs to publish on the web.
- Stock control (by reference, by supplier).
- File of the article with the list of orders placed for each item.
- Orders: Management of material purchases (to make repairs).
- Control of the orders to suppliers (by order number, by supplier, by month of the order, by month of delivery, by reference of the article, by those who are pending to arrive).
- Statistics on repairs (between Dates, by Client, by Technician, by Cities and/or Province of Clients, by Brand and/or Model, by Type of Repair).
- Accessories
- Positions
- Categories
- Postals code, Cities and Provinces
- Type sentences for repairs
- Suppliers
- Claims
- Rates
- Technicians
- Types of models
- Types of repairs
Workshop management:
External file management:
Stock management:
Auxiliar files (masters):
Application made with Access. To use this application it is necessary to have the MS Access program. The application is made in Spanish language. Note: The data inserted in the images are fictitious.